Wednesday, 19/2/2025 | 8:22 UTC+8

Top 100 Make Money Online Blogs

In starting this endeavour, I started wondering about what the top blogs in this field were. I mean sure, there were lists out there giving ratings for which blogs were the absolute best in the "Make Money Blogging" Industry. These lists were compiled by the authors from various sources, but almost all of them did not use empirical data beyond the first 10 results. Those first 10 results contained data in terms of Technorati authority. I mean sure, a lot of bloggers out there think that Technorati is the only yardstick that they need to measure things by, but not me. I needed something more substantial to justify who was the best.

While it is surely easy to name the top few blogs in the "Make Money Blogging" (think Problogger), I think most people would start to really stretch their minds if they were asked to list more than 10 such blogs. Smaller blogs, on the rise, still elude a lot of people, simply because they have yet to achieve the size that deems noteworthyness, and fame with it. This is why I was wonderfully overjoyed when I came across a blog post on another blog showing the top 100 Make Money online Blogs, and this too with empirical data in the form of not only Technorati authority, but also Google PageRank as well as Alexa Ranking. The actual link to the blog which listed the following is at the bottom of the list, and I do not take any crefit for it. I have just copied and pasted it below for your ease of viewing.

I would suggest that you guys start by reading the top few blogs on the list when you can. So check it out. These blogs cover a wide variety of topics including Marketing, Adsense, Adwords, Branding, Traffic Generation, Affiliate Programs, Entrepreneurship, Social Networking, Social Bookmarking, Viral video generation, as well as Get-Paid-To Programs such as PayPerPost, ReviewMe, and not forgetting SEO, BlackHat/WhiteHat, Link DIrectory creation, and oh yeah, even making money on eBay. So it would definitely be well worth your while to check out all these great blogs. I hope that you guys find this as helpful as I have.

RANK Blog Name top100.jpg top100.jpg top100.jpg
1 Problogger 6 19 2259
2 John Chow 6 46 2432
3 Shoemoney 6 79 2547
4 Performancing 7 61 7264
5 Dosh Dosh 4 49 6995
6 Daily Blog Tips 5 392 14241
7 Entrepreneurs Journey 6 2704 15622
8 Andy Beard – Niche marketing 5 1164 17655
9 Emoms At Home 5 1811 30551
10 Nate Whitehill 5 1095 42391
11 5 Star Affiliate Programs 5 15465 12422
12 Carl Ocab 4 1964 35686
13 NetBusinessBlog 5 4376 40510
14 Ades Blog 7 13220 43264
15 45n5 4 8426 26336
16 Courtney Tuttle 3 1998 29783
17 Tyler Cruz 5 9033 39289
18 Affiliate Tip 5 13270 31702
19 Sabahan 5 11498 39959
20 Blog About Your Blog 4 4431 44965
21 Who Is Andrew Wee 5 9951 49481
22 Blogtrepreneur 5 6604 57497
23 Self Made Minds 4 8687 42326
24 Aojon 5 14332 54403
25 Earners Blog 4 12774 41351
26 5xmom 4 8759 52087
27 Memwg 5 12541 71214
28 Gather Success 4 16087 46029
29 John Cow N/A 3347 18018
30 CPA Affiliates 5 10243 83717
31 Jim Kukral 5 7080 97239
32 Vandelay Design 3 9404 55717
33 Blogstorm N/A 6590 19402
34 Zac Johnson 3 19197 42363
35 Fraser’s Affiliate Marketing Blog 5 19269 100192
36 Reality Wired 4 10172 93695
37 Derek Semmler 4 15721 83346
38 Affiliate Marketing Blog from UK 4 34433 52192
39 Can I Make Big Money Online 4 7770 114207
40 My Affiliate Journey 4 26017 75715
41 Harpzon 4 14423 105146
42 Art Of Money 4 33178 68472
43 Rosalind Gardner’s NetProfitsToday 5 71834 25342
44 Cash Quests N/A 8276 30568
45 Just Make Money Online 5 21876 153825
46 Matt Huggins 3 10951 100354
47 2 11878 57595
48 Dirty Little Secrets 3 13270 102994
49 2 8309 69915
50 Blogging Tips N/A 7516 37353
51 Net Frontier Marketing 3 30139 80408
52 Blog Oh Blog N/A 139 50690
53 Blog Clout 2 8869 86761
54 6 49721 207942
55 Site Fever 2 22799 73129
56 More Merchant 4 50281 142941
57 Thatedeguy 5 70762 160795
58 Twenty Steps 4 63488 128452
59 Money Making Blog 4 63488 132184
60 Super Affiliate Mindset N/A 32942 39465
61 WebTalks 3 510 239001
62 Some Useless Info 3 16411 204224
63 Big Bucks Blogger N/A 26176 55153
64 Dazzlin Donna 3 67885 91192
65 Bfreedom 3 77498 74688
66 Make Money With Kassper 2 5977 154865
67 Retire Young And Wealthy 4 52103 226401
68 Bloggrrl N/A 13671 73741
69 My Journey To One Million 4 30139 289714
70 Search Engine Optimization Journal 4 112760 103446
71 Building My Empire 4 101381 140763
72 Grand Start 2 15032 154533
73 Adam Dempsey 4 39567 297248
74 Ian Fernando 2 42530 106132
75 Online Presence 3 62622 167331
76 AMWSO Affiliate Blog 4 149112 75205
77 N/A 36090 68913
78 Super Blogging Tips N/A 5135 102419
79 Blogging Experiment N/A 30553 80773
80 Blogging Fingers N/A 29747 83621
81 Enkay Blog N/A 16087 98481
82 Osworld 4 157654 98998
83 Ryan Shamus N/A 4004 111997
84 Bright Beginning 3 52715 238421
85 Slyvisions N/A 28488 96174
86 Rich Minx N/A 4109 126633
87 Cash For Comments N/A 15151 118475
88 Pajama Professional 3 66914 260830
89 Affiliate Marketing Journal 3 91836 220915
90 My Debt Free Goal N/A 37879 107127
91 Derek Beau N/A 45145 100668
92 Keith’s Affiliate Marketing Blog 4 177881 194318
93 Freelance Folder N/A 21628 130126
94 Affiliate Fortune Cookies 3 79961 314414
95 Mom Works At Home 4 25094 615163
96 4 118114 422980
97 ShaMoneyMaker N/A 18487 161868
98 Shylock Blogging N/A 41735 140013
99 Daily Moolah N/A 65154 128243
100 Somewhere Over The Debt 4 17859 737527
101 PreBlogging N/A 57035 149143
102 Freelance Mom 3 210401 146751
103 Ez Online Money 3 227027 129061
104 NiggyBuzz 2 78706 268830
105 World Of Angel N/A 49052 184794
106 Higher Trust Marketing Blog 4 342094 166187
107 News Notion N/A 124330 113880
108 Adsense 4 Dummies 4 18898 921314
109 Desty Online N/A 72963 176548
110 This Affiliate Marketing Path 4 280190 410328
111 Marc Eilbeck N/A 46556 224590
112 Etienne Teo N/A 61772 230311
113 Blogging Dosh N/A 105673 190481
114 The 30 Day Man 4 361701 358634
115 Income Hero N/A 118114 188419
116 The Writers Manifesto N/A 167357 163036
117 Why Do Work? 5 704629 46600
118 eXtra For Every Publisher N/A 82595 250117
119 Day Job Nuker N/A 90112 244882
120 Itswritenow N/A 55505 284217
121 Charles Lau N/A 70762 281058
122 Ask Jason Marketing 2 153346 356095
123 CDF Networks N/A 162428 195536
124 Success Passcode N/A 153346 206556
125 Life Is Colourful N/A 37234 344743
126 OnPulseIm N/A 90112 296645
127 The Blog Beat N/A 90112 297849
128 AIS and SEO by Sarah N/A 280190 112337
129 Pat B. Doyle N/A 95413 323093
130 Rich Gilchrest N/A 60930 371896
131 ProBloggers Matrix N/A 97290 339129
132 HaloMark 5 704629 707189
133 Click Input N/A 56239 408148
134 Warrior Blog N/A 324580 154658
135 N/A 118114 368433
136 The Make Money Online N/A 196198 314222
137 Internet Marketing Mind N/A 93552 460757
138 My First Million Dollars N/A 172587 390960
139 Success Online 4 704629 647036
140 Knupnet 2 177881 724809
141 Genuine Online Opportunities N/A 236176 344571
142 Digital Order N/A 101381 488797
143 Textadsearch N/A 308341 297984
144 Blogs For Money N/A 167357 457739
145 Earners Club N/A 308341 335943
146 Big Marketing Online 1 203218 185848
147 Freedom Ideas N/A 256340 418013
148 Blogger For Life N/A 183684 512464
149 Dorm Earning N/A 189691 546723
150 A Run The Ace N/A 63488 686010
151 Net Hustlin’ N/A 189691 565718
152 P Morrow’s Online Money N/A 88524 675330
153 Rajawang N/A 245854 526467
154 Online Cash Flow N/A 23404 801814
155 Blog Me Cash N/A 540306 328104
156 Ambatchmasterpublished N/A 245854 732133
157 Crenk 1 293656 343930
158 Jonnyq888 3 876360 1071670
159 Blog Earners N/A 500785 559081
160 Livin’ Online N/A 876360 196310
161 Web Dosh 2 342094 1455844
162 Money Making Scoop N/A 280190 970869
163 Type Carl N/A 704629 806407
164 Retired Pay 2 1150685 596875
165 Getty Cash N/A 640383 975493
166 Telecommunting Millionaire N/A 704629 1372557
167 Mailbox Money 2 407558 4204112
168 Thomas Walker N/A 245854 2783194
169 Andrew Polanski N/A 1803855 1503037
170 Christine Buske 1 640383 1870338
171 Passive Passion N/A 1803855 1689758
172 Green Affiliate 3 4063054 1607635
173 Money Making Ideas 4 You N/A 1150685 2624400
174 Earning From Affiliates N/A 2515283 2181718
175 Climbing Out of the Debt Pit N/A 2515283 2959530
176 Its An Online World N/A 3915745 1895330
177 Insane Money Market Blog N/A 3915745 4730266
178 Webmaster Chick N/A 7966799 1249578
179 Mikes Money Making Mission 5 N/A 172234
180 Debby Banning N/A N/A 1026211
181 Strategic Profits N/A N/A 9598
182 Software Projects 4 N/A 126987
183 Google Lady 6 N/A 220304
184 Search Anyway 4 N/A 123175
185 One Mans Goal N/A N/A N/A
186 My Affiliate Programs N/A N/A N/A
187 RevRiver N/A N/A N/A
188 JCcommerce N/A N/A N/A
189 Grounded Vertigo N/A N/A N/A

And here is the link to the actual blog page. It’s also great in itself. You should check it out if you get the chance to.


